By Cassondra Maschhoff

Shoutout Colorado: Meet Cassie & Chelsey

Meet Cassie & Chelsey | Co-Founders and Sisters of Lottie’s Meats & Provisions

We had the good fortune of connecting with Cassie & Chelsey Maschhoff and we’ve shared our conversation below. 

Hi Cassie & Chelsey, maybe we can start at the very start – the idea – how did you come up with the idea for your business?
We grew up in agriculture on a family pork farm in the midwest (we are the sixth generation). After spending time away from the farm and building our respective careers in the culinary and tech world, we noticed that premium pork products were missing from menus, retail shelves, and the conversation. And, we also knew the power of pork, done right. If anyone was going to reintroduce pork in a new and meaningful way, why not us?! And so, Lottie’s – a family name – was born.


Read the Full Story on SHOUTOUT COLORADO